


關(guān)鍵字:異構(gòu)系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)  AMD  ARM 

在稍早前的 AMD Fusion 開發(fā)者高峰會 (AFDS)上,超微(AMD)和幾家合作伙伴共同宣布成“異構(gòu)系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)基金會”(HSA Foundation)。該組織的創(chuàng)始會員包括AMD, ARM, Imagination 、聯(lián)發(fā)科(MTK)以及德州儀器(TI)。




AMD院士Phil Rogers是在周二(6月12日)的AMD開發(fā)者大會上宣布成立HSA基金會。



AMD院士Phil Rogers




“HSA基金會是一個非營利性的開放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組織,旨在建構(gòu)HSA平臺,進(jìn)而在未來為開發(fā)者提供架構(gòu)和支持,”AMD院士Phil Rogers表示。


現(xiàn) 任HSA Foundation總裁的Rogers表示,AMD自去年起便開始籌組HSA組織,當(dāng)這個組織成立時,也會真正開啟Fusion系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)世代,現(xiàn)在,我們也正努力在這個產(chǎn)業(yè)中建立完整的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。“今天,我很高興向大家宣布HSA正式成立的消息,”Rogers說。“我們將共享所有運算產(chǎn)業(yè)的未來發(fā)展。”




AMD, ARM, Imagination, TI, MediaTek form HSA group

Peter Clarke


LONDON – Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and several collaborators have used the AMD Fusion Developer Summit being held in Bellevue, Washington, to announce the formation of the Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation.


AMD, ARM, Imagination, MediaTek and Texas Instruments are the initial founding members of a non-profit consortium that has been established to define and promote an open, standards-based approach to heterogeneous computing that will provide a common hardware specification and support to make it easier for software developers to take multiprocessing advantage of modern complex processors.


The development fits in with the announcement made at the same event one year ago that AMD's Fusion chip architecture would be agnostic to the types CPU and GPU cores used for its implementation (see Why AMD is opening up Fusion: CPU, GPU cores are the new gates).


The five founding companies – which have expertise in x86 and ARM CPUs and PowerVR and Mali GPU cores amongst others – have pledged to work together to drive a single architecture specification that will simplify the programming model to help software developers take greater advantage of the capabilities found in the multiple CPU and GPU cores integrated in chips and unlock the performance and power efficiency of the parallel computing engines found in heterogeneous processors.



AMD Fellow Phil Rogers announces the HSA Foundation at the company's developer event in Bellevue, Wash., on Tuesday (June 12).


The heterogeneous processor market, also known as the hybrid processor market, is reckoned to be worth $55.5 billion and has particular relevance in such areas as cloud-based data management, streaming, and security.


"HSA Foundation is a non-profit, open standards body for HSA platforms that will own the develpment of the architecture going forward," AMD Corporate Fellow Phil Rogers told an audience at the AMD Fusion Developers Summit in Bellevue, Wash.


Rogers, who is also now president of the HSA Foundation, said AMD made significant progress on HSA since last year, when it announced it would open up what was at the time known as Fusion System Architecture and try to build an industry-wide ecosystem around it. "Today, I am really pleased to report that HSA has become a reality," Rogers said. "It's now the shared industry's vision for the future of computing."


The HSA is open to any and all computing industry professionals including semiconductor companies, platform and OS vendors, device manufacturers, independent software vendors, academia and open source developers. The foundation expects to deliver developer tools, software developer kits (SDKs), libraries, documentation, training and support.


"We deliberatley structured it so it can be open fo everyone and everyone can find thier appropriate level of cause and effect," Rogers said.


Kyet 科雅薄膜電容器
HAMAMATSU 濱松光電產(chǎn)品
飛思卡爾開發(fā)工具 Freescale