

IDC上調(diào)2012年全球平板電腦出貨量至1.074億臺,未涵蓋Windows 8平板

關(guān)鍵字:IDC  平板電腦  Windows 8平板 



“市場對平板電腦的需求依然強勁,而且,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)有越來越多的需求是來自于商務(wù)領(lǐng)域。” IDC移動互聯(lián)終端資深分析師Tom Mainelli表示,“我們預(yù)計,到今年底前,主流廠商發(fā)布新品,價格日趨便宜,以及微軟針對Windows 8發(fā)起的營銷大戰(zhàn)等將吸引更多的消費者添置平板電腦。”




“在3月強勢推出新一代產(chǎn)品后,蘋果iPad沒有任何放慢腳步的跡象。” Mainelli補充,“第三代產(chǎn)品新增的視網(wǎng)膜顯示技術(shù)及4G功能誘使現(xiàn)有的用戶爭相升級到新產(chǎn)品。而蘋果調(diào)低iPad 2售價(入門級產(chǎn)品的價格低至399美元)的決定在市場上引起了熱烈反響。如果蘋果真如傳言所說,于今年晚些時候推出低于300美元的7英寸產(chǎn)品,可以預(yù)計,蘋果在市場上的霸主地位將更不可動搖。”



Source: IDC


IDC目前的平板電腦市場追蹤報告里沒有包括Windows 8或Windows RT系統(tǒng)的(IDC把這些歸于PC市場追蹤預(yù)測報告里)。不過,從下一個季度開始,IDC的平板電腦市場追蹤報告將調(diào)整分類,以涵蓋各種OS和處理器平臺的平板電腦。IDC希望通過這樣的調(diào)整,涵蓋基于Windows的平板電腦,這樣也便于客戶整體了解平板電腦產(chǎn)業(yè)。


對于Windows平臺的殺入,Mainelli 表示:“基于早前對此類產(chǎn)品的定價預(yù)期,目前我們?nèi)匀徽J(rèn)為,Windows平臺將極大地擴展目前的平板市場。Windows平板并不是在搶蘋果和Android的飯碗,我們認(rèn)為,微軟的加入將做大平板電腦這塊大餅。”



IDC Increases Media Tablet Forecast, Expects New Products and Price Points to Drive Strong Shipment Growth Through 2016


FRAMINGHAM, Mass., June 14, 2012 – Expectations of strong demand for media tablets in the second half of 2012 has led International Data Corporation (IDC) to increase its forecast for the worldwide market to 107.4 million units for the year, up from its previous forecast of 106.1 million units. In the latest forecast update of the Worldwide Quarterly Media Tablet and eReader Tracker, IDC also revised upward its 2013 forecast number from 137.4 million units to 142.8 million units. And by 2016 worldwide shipments should reach 222.1 million units.


"Demand for media tablets remains robust, and we see an increasing interest in the category from the commercial side," said Tom Mainelli, research director, Mobile Connected Devices at IDC. "We expect pending new products from major players, increasingly affordable mainstream devices, and a huge marketing blitz from Microsoft around Windows 8 to drive increased consumer interest in the category through the end of the year."


In addition to increasing the unit totals for 2012, IDC also updated its forecast to shift a larger percentage of future units toward iOS and away from Android. IDC now expects iOS to grow its share of the market in 2012 to 62.5%, up from 58.2% in 2011. Meanwhile Android's share will slip from 38.7% in 2011 to 36.5% in 2012. IDC expects third-place Blackberry to slip from 1.7% to 1%.


"After a very strong launch of new products in March, Apple's iPad shows few signs of slowing down," Mainelli added. "The addition of the Retina Display and 4G capabilities to the third-generation products clearly enticed many current owners to upgrade. And Apple's decision to keep two iPad 2s in the market at lower prices—moving the entry-level price down to $399—seems to be paying off as well. If Apple launches a sub-$300, 7-inch product into the market later this year as rumored, we expect the company’s grip on this market to become even stronger."



Chart: Worldwide Media Tablet Shipments Split by OSHistorical and Forecast* 2010 - 2016 (Units in Millions)Description: Tags: Author: IDCcharts powered by iCharts


This chart is intended for public use in online news articles and social media. Instructions on how to embed this graphic are available by clicking here.


IDC is not currently forecasting Windows 8 or Windows RT tablets in its Media Tablet Tracker (they appear in the PC Tracker forecast). However, beginning next quarter, IDC will institute several taxonomy changes that will bring all tablet slates, regardless of OS or processor type, into the Media Tablet Tracker.


"We’re looking forward to rolling the Windows-based tablets into our tablet forecast in order to give customers a complete view of tablet slates all in one place," Mainelli commented. "Our current thinking, based upon early pricing expectations for these products, is that Windows-based tablets will be largely additive to our existing media tablet market forecast. We don't expect Windows-based tablets to necessarily take share from Apple and Android, but will grow the overall tablet market."


While IDC increased its forecast for media tablets in 2012, the firm significantly lowered its forecast for eReaders in 2012. After a disappointing first quarter, and strong indications that low-priced tablets are significantly impacting demand, IDC now expects 2012 shipments to be stable at around 28 million units, down slightly from the 28.2 million units that shipped in 2011.


Kyet 科雅薄膜電容器
HAMAMATSU 濱松光電產(chǎn)品
飛思卡爾開發(fā)工具 Freescale